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Nothing but Allister Brimble

Allister Brimble - Sounds Digital (1993) CD Well, maybe not. But today, I finally received my two signed copies of Allister Brimble's Sounds Digital and Bang! Tick... Tick from m0d who got them for me without asking first when he met Allister at Sundown 2008. I can't say anything but "Thank you" right now, those CDs are just awesome. Be sure to listen to the free recordings at Exotica (linked above) if you don't have the CDs, because this is definitely music that's worth listening to.

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1 response to "Nothing but Allister Brimble"

apfelnase says:
April 17th, 2009 at 00:27

Wuuuuu, noch jemand der die Original-CDs hat ... *knieimstaub*

Ich war in meiner Jugend so blöde und hab diese verkauft. Zum Glück gibt es bei Exotica ja noch die Ogg-Vorbis legal zum Download. Schade, dass es keine Lossless sind *g*

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