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Welcome to my world of music.

Saga Musix creates electronic music which can be downloaded here for free. The music is composed using the free tracker OpenMPT and is available in FLAC, Ogg Vorbis and module format.
Furthermore, Saga Musix offers tracker resources like free samples and information about using VST Plugins in ModPlug Tracker.

News at Saga Musix

Last blog entry: November 7th, 2022

July 13th, 2024

Nordlicht 2024 took place last weekend. With The Cure, I won the tracked music compo. The full-quality 16 bit version is now available.

April 7th, 2024

During the Easter weekend, Revision 2024 happened, and I contributed two tracks:
  • With Return, Bacter and I ranked 4th in the tracked music compo.
  • Beyond ranked 7th in the streaming music compo. It is my first track making direct use of my hardware synths via MIDI.

February 25th, 2024

Last weekend, the MountainBytes party took place in Switzerland. Together with Bacter, I participated in the combined music compo, where our track Levitation won.

December 13th, 2023

I've been creating quite a few patches since I got my Roland JD-800 almost one and half years ago, and now I'm ready to share them with the rest of the world. This will hopefully turn into a little series of patch banks, and today I present you the first volume of this series: Explorations Vol. 1 - 64 patches from pads to bells, from leads to basses, from plucks to sound effects.

You can purchase the sound set through LFO Store. It is compatible with the JD-800, the JD-990, the JD-800 VST plugin, the JD-08 and the Zenology JD-800 model.

November 12th, 2023

Two new tracks released at TRSAC 2023 are now available:
  • Datagram, a rather experimental track, ranked 5th in the Oldschool Music Compo.
  • Simul8 ranked third in the Live Acid Music Compo.
I also updated the downloads for three older tracks to fix minor and major issues that had been bugging me for a while:
  • The most noticeable change can heard in Time To Fly: the vocoded voice has been re-processed so that it is more intelligible.
  • In Rainforest, a filter cutoff effect had crept in on one of the bass channels in the middle of the track, suddenly making the bass sound a little duller.
  • A barely audible wrong note slide was corrected in Powerkick.
I recommend re-downloading these tracks - or perhaps listening to them for the first time if you don't know them yet!

More news from Saga Musix can be found in the news archive.