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Discovery - Kommentare und Download.


Dauer: 4:00 Stil: Synthpop Veröffentlicht: 12.04.2012
Download: .it-Version (8.56 MiB) .ogg-Version (5.76 MiB) .flac-Version (26.89 MiB) Online anhören
Kommentar: Ein Synthpop-Stück mit vielen (und großen) Samples von meinem Roland D-50. Das Stück belegte den vierten Platz in der Tracked Music Compo auf der Revision 2012.

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  • Wit: @Sagamusix

    mk. (02.05.2017, 21:38)
  • Saga Musix: @Wit: "The Internet". The Interplanetary patch is from "Atmospheres Vol. 1" by Ultreen MIDI Labs. The Sunrise patch is from EMC's Einsteins Power "Effect Sounds". You can find information about most banks I use (but not warez) at http://bobbyblues.recup.ch/roland_d-50/d-50_soundbanks.html (02.05.2017, 21:04)
  • Wit: i'm refering to patches like Interplantary (fantastic sweeping pad patch) and Sunrise (very good synth lead that kinda has electric guitar properties to the sound). (02.05.2017, 20:16)
  • Wit: btw, where'd you get the patches? did you make them yourself or from a few patch cards? (02.05.2017, 20:13)
  • Wit: This is very relaxing, which is quite unexpected.
    GJ :D (30.10.2016, 09:36)
  • jmkz: Awesome song! I really enjoyed, very well 8) (16.04.2012, 06:27)

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