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Dauer: 3:56 Stil: Synthpop Veröffentlicht: 31.08.2013
Download: .it-Version (5.79 MiB) .ogg-Version (5.8 MiB) .flac-Version (26.09 MiB) Online anhören
Kommentar: Noch mehr Synthpop! Dieser Track wurde zweiter in der Music Compo auf den Demodays 2013.

Kommentare anderer Hörer lesen (5) oder selber einen Kommentar schreiben
  • Midori Mizuno: One of my somewhat older favourites, gotta love that chimes patch it starts with (01.07.2019, 14:18)
  • Wit: Yes, thats what I was thinking about - Windows startup sounds o.O
    This has some elements of rock (heavy beat), which has been achieved very well. Lovin' dat Epic Analog Brass :D (16.10.2016, 16:37)
  • Saga Musix: That startup sound is most likely based on the same Korg preset, indeed. (22.03.2014, 23:04)
  • 123321: Hmmm I hear Win NT4 start sound (22.03.2014, 23:02)
  • David Kain: Sick track, been listening to it for days now :) (24.11.2013, 12:41)

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