Tripping Over - Kommentare und Download.
Tripping Over
Dauer: 3:44 Stil: Amiga Veröffentlicht: 29.08.2017Download: .mod-Version (138 KiB) .ogg-Version (5.96 MiB) .flac-Version (23.85 MiB) Online anhören
Kommentar: Eine Kooperation mit Bacter und xTr1m für die ProTracker-Compo auf der Evoke 2017, in der dieses Jahr nur Samples aus dem berühmt-berüchtigen ST-01-Samplepaket verwendet werden durften. Mit diesem Track gewannen wir die Compo.
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- Katie Cadet: This plays well on Olav Sorenson's ProTracker Clone running on my iMac 4K (21.5-inch 2017) running macOS 10.14.2 Mojave! Also, it is an example of the backwards tracking technique, which is unusual for a 4-channel ProTracker MOD! (04.05.2019, 21:37)
- Wit: I get where the name comes from. I love when the music seemingly "trips over" and that LOVELY bassline. I hear PSS-560 bass xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddthis is why the demoscene will always the best music scene (03.09.2017, 16:08)
- JRmysteries: Haha, I love how the track starts playing in reverse in some places :D (02.09.2017, 00:36)
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