Void Runner - Kommentare und Download.
Void Runner
Dauer: 3:45 Stil: Synthpop Veröffentlicht: 31.07.2017Download: .it-Version (5.69 MiB) .ogg-Version (5.04 MiB) .flac-Version (24.16 MiB) Online anhören
Kommentar: Die finale Version des Gewinners der Tracked Music Competition auf der Nordlicht 2017 - wieder eine Kooperation mit Bacter.
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This popped up, so I thought "k, ill give this a listen"
I looked through the samples and just gave them a listen. Pretty decent.
But when I clicked that play button...
Damn. This is truely a goldmine. Awesome synth leads that seem to float, and beautifully executed chord progressions that only you and bacter can come up with c;
nostalgia/awesomeness overload alert to anybody wanting to give this a listen (02.08.2017, 12:16)