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21.01.2019, 18:28About your music. von Justin [NyTR0S96]
Hello there. My name is Justin and I was just here to both complement you and your music and ask you something. I must say ever seance i got into tracker music, I saw a lot of your tunes and wanted to try to see if there was more songs from you as you pop up a few times in OpenMPT. I really love your music and am now a huge fan. now about your music, I was wondering if i could use it in my twitch stream as background music. i ask because i know how musicians are with streaming with their music. If you will allow me to, you will be linked in one of my twitch panels. Its okay if you don't want me to though.
Kommentar: I am generally okay with that as long as people stick with the provided CC-BY-NC-SA license, and that means that the output of your stream should also be licensed similarly - most importantly that means no revenue of any sort must be generated through that stream.

17.12.2017, 17:13intresting rhythm ideas von Wit
there is this really cool swedish band that has all this crazy syncopated rhythms, in which the guitars play a loop that doesn't exactly fit into 4/4 most of the time. you might (not) like this band. they might give you ideas, you never know c;
example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHdFTxu5M38

05.07.2017, 01:40 ICQRoblox von Nathan Umali
Listen to this! https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=32547

29.01.2017, 17:54can't send E-MAIL
I forgot to write the important thing.
I'm sorry.

@ Hotmail.co.jp
Could not be used.

29.01.2017, 17:47can't send E-MAIL von RRX
I made a video using your songs.
Thanks for the cool song.

My favorite part is 3:32 seconds (I do not know what technical terms are).


Title: Hete DnB Actie
Artist: bacter & saga


18.01.2017, 21:15Where to get OpenMPT von Stargate38
I went to load your song "Wistful Yearning", but it gave a warning that it was made in OpenMPT, yet the main site for said program says the newest version is Where can I get the version you're using, preferably precompiled?
Kommentar: OpenMPT 1.27 is still under active development and not released for regular use yet. You can obtain current test versions from https://buildbot.openmpt.org/ but OpenMPT 1.26 will play the tune just fine.

16.07.2015, 00:10samples von yozfitz
Awesome samples, Awesome doode!!

10.12.2014, 16:14iti program von damien
could you program an appli that woukd play .xi and .iti files with notes prealably fixed by user
Kommentar: I have no idea what you mean but you can play and open XI/ITI files with OpenMPT.

10.11.2014, 05:56Lob und Anerkennung von Michi
Servus, ich habe gerade das Lied "Firedance" gehört und für gut befunden (lol), und da es hier ein Gästebuch gibt hinterlasse ich sehr gerne noch ein großes Dankeschön zum Abschied! Was würde ich nur ohne euch ganzen Amiga/C64/remix/Tracker Musiker machen, beim normalen Radio wird man nur totgequasselt oder die Lieder hören sich alle gleich übel an. Es lebe die Alternative Musik! Weiter so Jungs (und Mädels?)!

12.10.2014, 13:43Your samples von Kristoffer Juls E. Jose
Do your samples loop perfectly?
Kommentar: If you mean the samples from my sample download site... Most of them should. I guess. It's been ages since I last looked at them.

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