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Duration: 4:08 Style: Synthpop Released: 2013-04-05
Download: .it version (7.24 MiB) .ogg version (5.8 MiB) .flac version (27.57 MiB) listen online
Comment: This demo-ish synthpop track ranked 3rd in the tracked music compo at Revision 2013.

Read listeners' comments (3) or leave a comment
  • Wit: @Sagamusix After looking through Wistful Yearnings samples.... there you have Purple Planets from the D-50 ;_;. Teachs me to always, ALWAYS try to think twice about things. What I meant is that you've used the D-50 less. Thats all. You are still my favourite module artist, no matter what synths or samples 'n VST's you used to create your modules. (2017-01-24, 21:40)
  • Saga Musix: @Wit: I have not stopped using the D-50 at all. I have merely diversified my synthesizer collection. The XV-5080 still has many sounds that are directly influenced by the D-50's legacy. Besides, I always choose the sound that fits my ideas best, and not based on which machine it came from. (2017-01-22, 16:04)
  • Wit : woo more D-50
    And about the D-50, I notice that you've stopped using samples from it. Thats a real shame, there are some really nice pads and arps coming from the D-50 in this song. It just shouts D-50 all over the place. (2017-01-22, 14:56)

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