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Saga Musix' Demoszene-Blog.

Some older stuff

Here are some demos that I really like:

  • The S by Suspend - This demo looks really, really polished and clean if you consider that it's "just" from 2002.
  • STS-05: Royal Temple Ball by Synesthetics - I've seen this demo at Breakpoint 2008 (scene.org awards 2007) on the bigscreen and it didn't cease to amaze me since then.
  • Gamma by Outracks - Another gem from the scene.org awards 2007. Extremely cool and well-synced demo with a great D&B soundtrack. Deserved to win. :-)
  • Daydream by Hedelmae - I think this should win the scene.org award for best music in 2008. :-)

Hope you like 'em too! :-D

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2 Antworten auf "Some older stuff"

Wit sagt:
28. Oktober 2017 um 12:22

I was too lazy to listen to all of the demos, but I listened to Daydream...
and much nostalgia was achieved c;
wonderful mellow jazzy piano at 2:16, and the melodies beforehand reminded me of C418s works. it also sounds a bit like the stuff you would make.

MyOwn31 sagt:
16. November 2008 um 09:37

Daydream is simple yet very good, daydreamish and sad. nice demo. =) its soundtrack sounds better with the demo itself. speaking about the STS-05, JUST DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!

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