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Saga Musix' Demoszene-Blog.

Goal Accomplished

At this year's edition of the Breakpoint demoparty (which was sadly the last one, *sniff*), I was holding the unofficial tracked music compo on behalf of The Mod Archive. My expectations were not very high because of some erroneous information on the Breakpoint website (some texts still said that there is no tracked music compo anymore until a week before the compo), but I was positively surprised: Not only did Breakpoint 2010 set off a new visitor's record, we also had a great tracked music compo with a total of 19 quality tracks! This proves again that such a compo is still definitely needed and I hope that the follow-up party will have an official tracked music compo again. You can grab the releases from scene.org, together with the results. Wohoo!

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